Lockers Available for EDC Las Vegas 2014 and Reasons to Rent One

There’s another piece of the puzzle available to book for Electric Daisy Carnival, the lockers have just become available to reserve for the three day festival. One of our most popular protip’s from last year (#55 Four Reasons to Rent a Locker) was to rent a locker for three nights at the festival. The lockers are currently $75. The price may sound like a lot but split it up amongst your group and it’s an affordable way to store belongings. When you get sick of carrying clothes, costumes, merchandise purchased or anything else around with you just store it in the locker.

Reserve One here

I’m not from the United States, how do I reserve a locker?

Locker sales are now available for Canada, UK and Australia. If there is anyone located in another country and would like to purchase a locker, they can contact Mobile Charging Lockers directly through their website.

Why should you rent a locker?

To keep stuff in all three nights and charge your phone. They can only charge one phone at a time.

Do I have to empty the locker after every night?

No. It just has to be emptied by Monday morning.

Do they go through them every night?


How does it work?

When you arrive at the festival head over to the lockers, show government issued ID, they hand you a wristband with the locker number and combination.

Can I get a refund?

The company states that you can get a refund if you cancel within 24 hours of the event.

What can you keep in the locker?

Anything you want. Well, the company just asks that you don’t store any food, beverages or live animals in them.

Can you share the locker?

You can give the locker number and combination to anyone you want. Make sure to trust those you’re sharing it with.


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