Update on Pasquale Rotella’s Mother, Mama Irene

After being off of social media for a couple of months Pasquale Rotella reemerged today with an update about his mother “Mama Irene”.

Thank you all for the positive vibes and well-wishes you have put into the universe for Mama Irene.

It’s been awhile since I have posted anything because the last few months have been all about my mom. She has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, which has also led to further health complications. Her condition changes daily and it has been an emotional roller coaster. The most important thing for me has been to cherish this time with my mom, and do everything I can to help her get better.

The doctors have said she has the heart and lungs of a 30-year-old, and I know it’s from her dancing all these years at our festivals. Even though we’ve had to deal with all the red tape of a challenging healthcare system, I’m confident that positivity, healing energy, Eastern and Western medicine, love, and her amazing doctors will keep her going.

I am so thankful for all of you and thankful to be part of this amazing community. I want to give a special shout-out to Headliner Joshua Brassy for creating an amazing Mama Irene video. Watching it has warmed the hearts of my whole family, including my mom. I also want to show some love to an unknown Headliner who snuck into my mom’s hospital room, put personalized kandi on her wrist, and left an amazing owl painting by her bed. My mom is still wearing the kandi, and the picture is hanging in her room here in my house. To Joshua and the mysterious visitor—I hope to meet you both and thank you personally.

My mom is my life. She’s my strongest supporter; she loves and understands what I do and what I believe in. She knows how passionate I am about our culture and gatherings and she shares this feeling. One of the happiest places I have ever seen my mom has been at our festivals.

I’m going to continue to stay by her side and help her heal, but I’m also getting back into the groove with friends and my Insomniac family. This whole experience with my mom reaffirms to me just how amazing this culture is, and makes me love it even more. Life is a gift. Hold your loved ones close, always tell them you love them, and remember to take good care of yourself.  #mamairene #throwback #love #health #family

– Pasquale Rotella

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