EDC ProTip: Live the VIP Life at EDC!

Constantly I hear at festivals and read online about people complaining about VIP. They usually talk about why it isn’t worth it or that the people in VIP are ruining the experience for others. I am here to tell you otherwise.

I personally used to be skeptical of VIP. I just simply didn’t see the appeal until much later on in my raving career, but now I understand it and I love it. Granted, there are many different festivals all over the world and many of them offer different amenities to VIP guests. Sometimes VIP just isn’t worth it, and over the years many perks like a hosted open bar and back stage access have vanished into thin air. Sometimes the price is too much, sometimes the benefits are too few, and honestly sometimes you want to be with your group all night and not everyone can afford it.

VIP still does get you ahead of the game more often than not though. Normal perks include separate entries and viewing decks, private bathrooms, less populated bars, and places to sit. Getting cool items like laminated set times on special lanyards, freebies from different vendors, and swag from the event also help sweeten the additional price. I’m short, so when I’m in a crowd sometimes it can be hard for me to see the stages, but the moment I’m on the viewing deck in VIP I can see everything. VIP has given me a different viewpoint of the festival that I never really had before.

The 21+ aspect of the VIP section also brings with it a more mature crowd than the rest of the festival. I’ve had more chances to meet up with DJs and people inside the EDM Industry. Now, this is not to say that things can get pretty rowdy in VIP. There have definitely been people who act elitist or immature, and there are always going to be people who are there to be seen and not for the music. From my personal experience, those people are few and far between and VIP just mainly seems to consist of people that want to pay more to make their experience better.

One thing that I have noticed is the amount of hate that VIP tends to receive from GA. As far as I’m concerned, if someone wants to spend extra money to make their experience better, then they are more than welcome to do that. VIP isn’t for everyone and I can bet you that the people up on the viewing decks are having just as much fun as the people in GA. I have personally received some hate towards me purchasing VIP for this year’s EDC because according to some people, openly talking about being excited for VIP or just discussing VIP is “elitist”.

Let me make this clear for everyone. VIP people are the same as GA people. There are and will always be attendees that misrepresent each side. If you can afford VIP for an event like EDC, by all means do it if it makes you happy. Your reasoning to pay more for your ticket, whatever that may be, is fine by me because at the end of the day we are all still listening to the same beats and dancing under the electric sky.


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