The Keys to Getting the Cheapest Presale Prices

The cheapest pre-sale prices will sell out almost as quickly as they go on sale. In 2012 nearly 20,000 tickets sold out at the initial price of $199 within two minutes before they climbed up to the next level of $259. In order to get the cheapest price you’ll want to make sure you’re staring at the computer screen at least 10 minutes before the presale time be prepared.

We don’t have the exact date tickets will go on sale but keep these tips in mind so that you’re prepared!

Multiple browsers, windows and computers. If you have more than one computer you’ll want to have both of them turned on actively refreshing the browser windows. You may also want to have different browsers, like Chrome, Firefox and even Internet Explorer or Safari for Mac users. A page can easily become cached and not refresh properly once the page goes live.

Start a conference call with friends. Using the telephone to talk is an odd concept but you’re working with other friends to try to buy tickets make sure you’re on the phone to communicate. Trying to send a Facebook or text message can be added time that’ll just cost you money. Call each other up talk about who’s able to buy what.

Create or sign into your Flavorus account. Unless it’s your first Insomniac event you probably have an account already. Visit the site and make sure that you know your login information. Also take a few minutes to make sure your current address and billing information is saved in your account. The less you have to type the quicker you can checkout and acquire your tickets.

Only buy your ticket. Even if you’re planning on buying a shuttle pass don’t worry about that, just buy your ticket. The more you fumble around trying to add anything else to your order the less likely you are to get the first price. Some people were able to quickly purchase both but others who tried to add the shuttle to their order were quickly locked out of the system.

One extras package per order. Remember that only one box of the extra goodies will be sent per order even if you’re ordering more than one ticket. Arrange with your friends ahead of time that whoever gets the order through gets the package.

Once the tickets go on sale make sure to also be monitoring the Twitter accounts of Insomniac, Pasquale Rotella and Flavorus. They do a great job communicating what it is going on. In 2012 there were a lot of people who got a “waiting” screen hoping to still get tickets but at a certain point a tweet was sent out stating that if you were getting that screen you were not getting in. At that point the option was to close the browser window, visit the site again and pay the next tier of pricing.

The cheaper the ticket the better it is but if you miss out on tier 1 don’t have any fear, you’ll easily get the tier 2 prices.


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