
First of all, don’t take the name of the site seriously. We have been “in the scene” for a long time and as far back as we can remember people have always said how dead the scene is and the music isn’t what it used to be. Trance is dead. House is dead. Nobody listens to techno. Well, here we are in 2015 and the music is still playing and people are still dancing like they have since the birth of electronic music. The music has evolved but it’s still all about the same things which are dancing, community and having a great time.

The world is our dance floor and we’re here to spread the news and encourage the support of local scenes along with global travel to dance!

You can follow The Scene is Dead on social media here:

Twitter @TheScene_isDead

Facebook at /TheSceneisDeaddotcom.

Advertising inquiries contact:  info@thesceneisdead.com

Send press releases to:  media@thesceneisdead.com


Suzanne Welker Jurgens (Co-Founder / Publisher)

E-Mail: suzanne@thesceneisdead.com
Twitter: @swjurgens

Tory Clinton (Reporter)

E-Mail: tory@thesceneisdead.com
Twitter: @KamSator

Grant Gilmore (Writer)

Keith Wozniak (Co-Founder)

Contributing Writers:
Glow Jess
Dase JT
Dave Jurgens
Margaret Kern
Tamlyn Koga
Angel Martinez
Ashley Miller
Cliff Moore
Aman Sidhu
Airec Syprasert
Cassey Varvel

Are you interested in joining The Scene is Dead’s writing team? Great! We’re looking to expand our staff. Send examples of your work along with what you’d like to contribute to info@thesceneisdead.com