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From 1994 – 2006  the Western New York and Southern Ontario Rave Scene was awesome, wnysor-l, wnysor.net, weenysaurs, etc. We might be older but the music has never stopped, so why should the memories? There were some bad times, but the GREAT times are what stand out.

“WNYSOR” which stands for Western New York and Southern Ontario Raves was originally started around 1994 as “wnysor-l”which was a listserv mailing list. It was the first listserv of its kind for discussing and promoting raves. The list was used pretty heavily through 1999 and into 2000 when the site http://www.wnysor.net/ was created. Once the web site was launched a message board went along with it. The site was shut down in 2006 when it had run its course.

The site was big at a time before Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and all the other “social networking” sites became big. It was old-fashioned communication between people.

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