Phryl and Phato Present Titan April 8 2000 Rochester

This massive event was the work of Phato & Phryl joining forces to throw a massive event with the help of Skye High. Phato was one of the original promoters in New York state and Phryl was the same in Toronto. Skye High was the name of Rochester’s best record store and a vital part of the local scene. The main room of Water Street was hosted by Phato. Phryl ran what was known as Piranha and Skye High hosted what was known as the dungeon in the basement. Piranha used to be on the side of what is now known as the Club at Water Street with an open floor plan where you could see from the third level down to the basement where the DJ booth was. The lowest level was the main dance floor with other levels looking down on it.

The venue was packed before midnight with a surprising amount of people going crazy to the happy hardcore sounds of Anabolic Frolic and MC Jumper on the microphone. Anabolic Frolic was at the peak of his career with his Happy 2B Hardcore series of CDs and the world famous Hullabaloo raves in Toronto. The rest of the lineup was stacked with DJ Dan and Green Velvet debuting in Rochester for the first time. Everyone wanted to hear “That Zipper Track” by DJ Dan and tracks like “Flash” and “Perculator” by Green Velvet and they had never sounded better.  The drum and bass room when it was announced was unexpected as no one ever thought LTJ Bukem, Blame and Conrad would ever visit the area. The Skye High room was packed with locals that everyone knew of and the tag team concept gave a lot of names the chance to appear at one of the biggest raves of the year in Rochester.

Name: Titan
Promoter: Phryl & Phato
Date: April 8, 2000
Venue: Water St Music Hall and Piranha (now known as the Club at Water Street)

Phato USA Techno/House Room

DJ Dan, Green Velvet, Frankie Bones, Feelgood, Anabolic Frolic, MC Jumper, Highlander, Richie Salvaggio

Phryl International Drum n Bass Room

Progression Sessions 2000 Tour: LTJ Bukem, Blame, Rantoul, MC Conrad, MC DRS, Capital J, MC JD, MC Trigger, Cable

Upstate Groove Tag Team presented by Skye High

Dose the Alien vs Boy Wonder, John Slater vs Rob Morley, Aquafresh vs Charles Masters, Awake vs Deny, Sneak-E-Pete vs Ghostman, Chad Roy vs Scotty B, Superball vs Mike 407, Bullets vs Chaotic, MC Black Peter, MC John Juan

Phato Phryl Titan April 8 2000 front

Phato Phryl Titan April 8 2000 back